Beginning Your Journey

Who We Serve

We specialize in serving those who are nearing retirement and are seeking a customized retirement strategy.  As you continue working hard and saving, we help you consider the various factors related to your retirement: timeline, health care, projected inflation, cash flow needs, and more.  While we will talk with and offer to help anyone who contacts us, clients should have at least $500,000 in investable assets for us to have meaningful impact.

Assessing Your Goals

Our Relationship

We get to know our clients personally and professionally through a retirement assessment to see if they are on track toward their goals and if their accounts are allocated appropriately.  Each strategy is crafted to your specific needs, so there is plenty of discussion to discover what will work for you.  We walk you through the entire process, from opening accounts and transferring assets to contacting your attorneys or tax advisors when necessary. 

Contact Customized to You

Our Meetings

We conduct a thorough review annually and make check-in calls periodically throughout the year.  During our annual meetings, we will review assets and the allocation of investments with you to ensure that you are on track to pursue your goals.  We will also discuss any new financial goals, such as traveling, gifting, buying a new home, or any other additional expenses on the horizon.  Your estate planning needs will also be discussed.  These meetings can be in-person, by phone, or via Zoom.

Stifel does not provide legal or tax advice.  You should consult with your legal and tax advisors regarding your particular situation.